This quiz is intended to test your knowledge of the contents covered in all the previous tutorials on conditionals, comparisons, and simple variables. In particular, it focuses on combining comparisons to make complex conditional statements as seen in Combining Comparisons in Ren’Py. Explanations are provided for each answer, and you can take the quiz as many times as you like.
It’s okay if you don’t know the answers to every quiz question, even after going through the tutorials. Some quiz questions are there to point out common errors or mistakes and teach you how to identify and fix them. If you don’t understand a question, feel free to skip it and read the explanation after submitting the quiz. There’s a free question box at the end of the quiz if you have any comments, questions, or feedback.
If you’d like to know more about the content covered in this quiz, see Combining Comparisons in Ren’Py, or start at the beginning with A Quick Primer on Variables in Ren’Py. If you’re feeling good about the content covered so far, then you’re ready to move on to Conditionals and Choice Menus in Ren’Py to learn how to add conditionals to choice menus!