Feniks illustration by @talentlesshuman

Hi! I’m Shawna, also known as Fen. I made this website because I love helping others learn how to code their dream games. I’ve been helping out around coding communities like the Ren’Py Discord server for several years now, but I’ve always wished there was a place I could point people to that answered common questions, or showed more examples of good coding practices. So, I decided to make that resource myself!

As for me, I’ve been coding in Ren’Py since 2018 and coding in other languages for over a decade. My first game, Saturday Morning Murder, was a short murder mystery that I originally coded in Visual Basic (of all things) but later remade in Ren’Py, which got me started with the engine.

Nowadays I freelance my skills out to help bring many wonderful games to life. Currently I’m working on GB Patch‘s Our Life series as well as Velvet Fox GamesInfinite Blue. I keep a fairly up-to-date list of the things I’ve been working on on my itch.io profile if you’d like to see more of the projects I’m working on! I also frequently release Ren’Py tools on itch.io, so consider following me there if you’d like to be informed when I release new tools.

If you like my work here, consider donating through Ko-fi. I appreciate you stopping by!