Booleans vs Strings
In this brief tutorial, you'll learn to avoid a common beginner mistake of using booleans where strings would be a better choice of variable.
In this brief tutorial, you'll learn to avoid a common beginner mistake of using booleans where strings would be a better choice of variable.
Ready to test your knowledge of equality comparisons and truthy/falsey in Ren'Py? Here's a quiz to show what you've learned.
This tutorial covers equality comparisons in Ren'Py, as well as the concepts of Truthy and Falsey. You'll learn how to compare things like strings and integers to display different dialogue.
Ready to test your knowledge of simple variable types in Ren'Py? Here's a quiz to show what you've learned.
This tutorial covers four variable types: booleans, integers, floats, and strings. You'll learn when and how to use them in your game to track information.
Ready to test your knowledge of conditional statements and booleans in Ren'Py? Here's a quiz to show what you've learned.
This guide will walk you through comparing variables and using conditional statements in your game to do things like change dialogue, customize menu choices, and branch the game down different paths.